Friday, June 7, 2013

Where did the month of May go? Is time flying for you guys too?

Hey family! Can I just say... being a missionary is the funnest thing in the world! I love it so much. I can't get over how much I have been learning and all of the miracles I've seen. I have 2 transfers left and I decided instead of being sad this adventure is coming to a close, I am going to live it up and find joy in my journey. So for now I am pretending I am not anywhere near the end and I will just let the cold reality of my missionary service ending slap me in the face when I get there. Then I will make you, Mom and Dad, drag me out of here because I really don't want to leave this wonderful place. THAT is how much I have enjoyed my mission. This week Sisters Jones, Hawkes, and I presented our first training to the new cast trainers, Sisters Davis, Steel, and Tipton. It was a little rough and we have forgotten a lot over the past year, but as we practice I know we will be ready to go. I am so excited for this cast to arrive. Being a cast trainer is such a privilege and there are only six of us in the entire mission. We are the only missionaries who work directly with the pageant and sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to be called to this special assignment. I feel more confident this year having been doing missionary work for a year now. Last year I was like, "Whhaaaat? You want me to teach these people how to do missionary work when I am just learning to do it myself?" But now I feel like I have a better hang of things and pray the Lord will help and guide us to adjust and make this year the best it can be for the people who are coming. We went on a Hill Cumorah Tour with Bob this week and it was so refreshing. Being so heavily involved with others salvation can be stressful. So when I get out in the open air and feel the Spirit at these sacred sites I feel like I can breathe again. Bob teaches us so much and has really profound insights that he shares. We also got to see two baby owls that were sitting on the walking path. Bob thought they must have gotten a little to confident and couldn't fly as far as they anticipated. They were so small and so cute! So that was fun. With all of the sites getting crazy and cast training meetings starting we don't have very much time in our proselyting area. It is really hard because sometimes we go a day or two (and sometimes three) without being in Seneca Falls. As we drive south through Waterloo to get back home to the Whitmer Farm, I find myself wanting to turn and go east to Seneca Falls just to check up on our area. We have so many people we are working with and not enough time to see them all. We were in a meeting and someone read this part of Preach My Gospel: "When you have faith in Jesus Christ, you trust the Lord enough to follow His commandments—even when you do not completely understand the reasons for them. You accomplish what the Lord wants you to accomplish." When I heard that it just hit me that I need to trust in the Lord more and develop more faith. I don't completely understand why He has called me to a visitors' center and to a proselyting area and to be a cast trainer. I do not fully understand why I was chosen to do this... but I know that I will execute everything he asks of me with stronger faith and diligence. I cannot worry about my area when I am clearly needed in two other places as well. I am only one person, one who has weaknesses and fears at times, but He knows that. That is why He wants me to have faith. So that His arm can be revealed. I know He watches over the people I work with and love when I am not in my area to be with them. So I shouldn't be worrying. And I know He carries me and strengthens me to do things I could not do on my own. I can feel that. Last thing are some lyrics to a song that Sister Rosemore showed to me the other day. She came upstairs into my room and said something to the point of "Sister Adams, this song reminds me of you because of that one time you told me about how much the mission changes you." I listened to the song and I think she was right. The song is called "I'm Changed" Sorry I don't know the artist. I see a difference I'm not the same, I'm so much better than yesterday. All I can do now, and all I am is so much better because of Him. Once I was blind, but now I see, once I was broken but He healed me. When reason was lost, hope still remained, and life is so beautiful, I'm changed... I see a difference I'm not the same, I see the world in a different way. And life is better than it's ever been cause I am trying to be more like Him. Once I was blind, but now I see, once I was broken but He healed me. When reason was lost, hope still remained, and life is so beautiful, I'm changed... I see a difference, I'm not the same, I've been forgiven of my mistakes, and all my weakness and all my sins. Whatever happens I will follow Him. This is exactly how I feel and I am grateful to my Savior for healing my heart and allowing me the opportunity to serve Him. I love you all very much! Hope your week is the greatest ever! Love, Sister Adams

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