Sunday, June 23, 2013

This is from JUNE 21st

Hey family!!! Sister Tipton and I had a great week this week! So many miracles happening- I love it! We had a mission wide transfer meeting with President and Sister Christianson at the Hill Cumorah. So it was basically a mission conference and we took a picture with all the missionaries in our mission. SO MANY PEOPLE. It was crazy to see how much our mission has grown since the age change. It seems like our mission has doubled in numbers. President and Sister Christianson were so emotional and of course all of us missionaries were too. Not a dry eye... it was just the coolest thing to be there on the Hill as a mission. Every mission around the world shares and testifies of the Book that laid there for centuries, just waiting to be brought forth for us in the last days-- the Book of Mormon. And here we get to actually meet in the very place it happened. I LOVE MY MISSION. Our investigators are doing well. We have a new investigator named Newt. Guess what his last name is? Haha it is Backus. Same name and spelling of the road we live on in Mesa! He is so cool. We have taught him three lessons so far and he is reading the Book of Mormon and praying. He is a little nervous to come to church right now but he told us once he knows this is true that he wants to be baptized! The way we found Newt was completely by God. We walked a different way then we usually do for no special reason and there he was! I know we were supposed to meet him and now he is so excited to learn about the restored gospel. We taught Jim one of his last new member lessons on his porch this week. We showed up and sat down in our usual seats and he gets up and says, "I'll be right back." Then he comes out with ice cream sundae glasses (the legit ones), filled with vanilla ice cream fudge and whip cream, peanuts, and even a cherry on top! He goes, "MEXICAN SUNDAES!" Haha I about died laughing and it was delicious! He told us that we are his granddaughters and so he is going to spoil us the way he spoils his own grandchildren. Jim definitely has been a highlight of my weeks serving in Seneca Falls. Sister Tipton and I have been working on cast training a lot this week. We are getting down to the wire! The days and weeks are flying by and they are only going to get faster once the pageant cast arrives on the 5th of July. Sister Tipton and I have been having so much fun these past few transfers and I am so glad we get to stay together for a third! She is now driving the van so I officially made it through my mission without being pulled over! Yeah! That is a good thing too... New York cops are s-n-e-a-k-y. We had a mini dance party in our drive way the other night (to efy music of course). It was so fun! And since we live in the middle of nowhere we don't get caught! Dance parties aren't against the rules.. they just aren't "missionary like". We show decorum all day long so when we get home, all of our quiet dignity goes out the window. It's great. Hmmm... I think that is all I have to say! I love you all very much and I hope Dad had a Happy Fathers Day! I sent him a little card so I hope he got it. Peace! -Sister Adams

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