Friday, June 7, 2013

This is from MAY 31st.

HELLO EVERYONE! Okay I'm just going to jump right in. Last Friday night we had dinner with Ambrose, one of our investigators at Magees Diner and of course I ate too much. I always do that! But the food was BOMB. Ambrose is the sweetest old man and we just love him so much. His grandkids all live in different states outside of NY so he likes to feed us. Mom and Dad you will get to meet him when you come! Saturday we worked at the Peter Whitmer Farm all day and it was BUSY. I love it like that. We didn't sit down from 9am -7pm. Just gave tours the whole time- it was great! I gave a tour to a family that Grandpa Pete home teaches in St. George! It was so fun to meet them and I took a picture with them to give to Grandma and Grandpa when they get home. I also took Elder Smith/ former Senator Smith of Washington State on tour with his wife. He is our area seventy now and it was fun to spend some time with them at this sacred site. We had a BBQ at the Seneca Lake Girls' Camp for Memorial Day weekend. The Breinholts and Millers made tons of food and we invited our investigators and less actives to come. It was a blast. Sara came and her and I laughed and laughed talking about the most random things but we had a good time. On the way home we were in Sister Brandon's car and we were inches away from hitting a deer! This was a huge deer... and it was scary. Sara was in the back seat with Sister Tipton and after the shock of the "almost accident" was gone she said, "Man, Heavenly Father is totally looking out for us." I think Sara was right. We got home safely. Monday was Dad's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! You have a ghetto homemade card coming in the mail. But that day was one that was full of miracles for Sister Tipton and I. We had a lesson with our investigator, Kat, and she accepted our invitation to be baptized! She is so excited and the Spirit when we teach her is just such a sweet one. She has such a pure heart and I am excited to help her progress towards being baptized. You know, the more I think about it this is not about being "Mormon". This work is about receiving ordinances and making covenants through the proper priesthood authority and that authority is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. OH! Guess who I got to see! Dustin and Lindsay my cousins! I had no idea they were coming and they called President Christianson and got permission to take us out to lunch! It was a blast being with them and seeing Jackson. He has grown so much! They are living in Brooklyn now so they drove out of the city to see the sites in western New York. It was a good time. After that we went to go see a less active woman named Jayme. She called us from someone else's phone because she doesn't have one and told us she wants help coming back to the Church. So she gave us her address and we have been trying so hard to contact her. So we dropped by her house and again she wasn't home... so we decided to walk around and talk with people because there were lots of people out on the streets for Memorial Day. (Just for your gee wiz collection: Waterloo is the birthplace of Memorial Day. So it is a big deal around here.) We ended up finding ourselves in an area with some benches talking to a veteran named Newt. He was such a great guy and we taught him the whole Restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon. We thanked him for his service to our country and as we were about to leave, this woman sits down on the bench next to us. We started talking with her and asked her what her name was and she said, "My name is Jayme." Sister Tipton and I asked her if she was the one that called us about a month ago and she said she was! I feel like we couldn't get her at home so Heavenly Father just picked her up and dropped her off right where we were so that we could find her! It was miracle! I know that the Lord leads us to people who are ready to receive the restored gospel, but he also leads them to us. There are no coincidences. God is in complete and total control and He is going to help us always. Well I am out of time dang it. You'll have to read the rest of our miracles in my journal sometime. But I love you all and hope you have a great week! Love, Sister Adams

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