Monday, February 4, 2013

Thanks for All the Birthday Wishes + PICTURES!

This week was great. Why? Because Jim has a baptism date! YEAH! This week we taught him about inquiring of the Lord and the Holy Ghost and his role to lead and guide us, to reveal truth, and to comfort us. Well Jim has really been praying and listening for the whisperings of the Spirit. We went to his home with the Yearsleys to visit him and we started following up with him on how his praying and reading was going and he said, “Well I got an answer to my prayer! Right now I am in the Book of Ether and I should be done with the whole Book of Mormon soon. I want to finish up this Book and then I want be baptized.” It was so exciting! We just smiled and told Jim we were so happy he got his answer! Then he goes on and says, “but really, I should be done by the 10th of February… so any day after that! You choose the day!” Haha so Jim will be baptized on February 16th. I am so happy for him and excited to see how his life improves after he becomes a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This was probably the highlight of my week!
We had a great site meeting at the Book of Mormon Publication Site this week. I love being at the sites with all the sisters and senior couples- it is so fun to be all together. Sister Park and I danced again but this time President and Sister Christianson saw it and Sister Park got so embarrassed haha! They both laughed so hard. So anyways, back to site meeting. President always gives a little training at each one of them and he used a letter from a recent convert that he received in the mail that really touched his heart. And who might that recent convert be? … of course.. . Lea. He read it and Sister Earl and I both got teary-eyed to hear her sweet testimony. Lea is doing wonderful and I am so proud of her. President said he would give Sister Earl and me a copy of it for our journals so we can always have it.
We went to visit this old man this week who is a former investigator and we took Mary with us. It was good but he isn’t really interested in the gospel. He is more interested in having visitors because he lives alone. His trailer was full of smoke and he had burn holes all over his furniture and carpet. Then he had this long haired cat that had hair EVERYWHERE. My asthma and allergies were not happy with me after that appointment. His cat’s name was Smokey too. Haha ironic much?
So you asked me what I do right now at the sites because they are so slow. That is an understatement… they are dead right now. So whenever we have a shift at a historic site or at the visitors’ center we are usually on the computers doing work. The New York Rochester Mission is the only one where every single missionary does online proselyting. So all of us have Facebook and use social networking to keep in contact with investigators and less active members, to find friends of people that would like to be taught online until they are comfortable with us coming to their home, to post uplifting messages, videos, scriptures, pictures, etc. It is really great and we see a lot of success that way. Also while we have no visitors we use them to do CHAT. Anyone who goes to can live chat with a missionary. And that is me! So we answer questions, invite people to have missionaries in their area bring them a Book of Mormon, or just teach them online until they are ready for the missionaries. It is cool because I teach people all over the world that way.
My birthday was good. I got lots of phone calls from the missionaries and senior couples and President and Sister Christianson. Our phone was ringing all day haha. The chocolate covered strawberries were delish :) thank you family! Sister Earl made me a brownie cake and the members of the Fayette Ward dropped off treats too. Sugar overload! I loved the package that you sent me so thank you for that. It doesn’t seem real that I am 22. It’s weird. Sooo old. Mary told me she called you, Mom, and when she came to church she hugged me and kissed my cheek and said, “That is from your mama!” Jim was at church again. He has been for 5 weeks in a row and loves it. Lea was back at home for the weekend so she came too! It was so great to see her again. Love that girl. I sent her mom a thank you card for letting us teach her. Lea’s mom was not happy about her decision to be baptized but she was anyways. I felt prompted to send her a card in the mail and now Lea says her mom wants us to come over for dinner! She has break from school late this month but transfers are coming up in a couple weeks so I am hoping I stay for one more transfer here in Seneca Falls so I can go and talk to Lea’s mom. It’s up to the Lord though!
Well I just want you all to know that I am loving my mission. It has really shaped me into such a better person. I feel so grateful for the knowledge that I am a daughter of God and He has a plan for me. I know this is true for all of us. He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation. Behold, hath the Lord commanded any that they should not partake of his goodness? Behold I say unto you, Nay; but all men are privileged the one like unto the other, and NONE are forbidden.” (2 Nephi 26: 24&28)
Love, Sister Alexandra Adams

One time I got a letter from my best friend in Africa...

And this is what happened, it suprised me!!

Birthday brownies!!!

Sunrise out my kitchen window

My funny companion

Chocolate covered strawberries. I shared with my roomies, don't worry I didn't eat all of those that fast. I probably could though.

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