Monday, February 11, 2013

Burrrrrrrrr... AND PICTURES

Happy Birthday Mom! I hope you have a crazy awesome day full of laughing and really good food! This week has been a longer one for me. Partly because I was sick and couldn’t work for a day. We went to the Hill Cumorah and I slept in one of the back theaters for a while because we had a shift. Luckily there was only one tour so Sister Earl took it. Then the rest of the day I slept and ate soup. Sister Raines came home that night and asked me what I needed and I said, “a guillotine… just chop my head off and I’ll be great.” (I was super congested and sore throat and plugged ears) I’m good now though.
This week we went to the girls’ camp and the Breinholts trained us on family history! It was fun! Our district wants to start finding new investigators with it and helping our recent converts find family names to take to the temple. The spirit of Elijah is so powerful!
We had a zone conference this week that was AWESOME. I love learning from President and Sister Christianson. I am always so exhausted after zone conference days because I have been so spiritually engaged the whole time. Something we learned about was how all the ancient prophets were cast out and rejected, but they saw our day…and even though they knew they wouldn’t succeed, they did the work because they knew we would. They knew that we would be playing in the last and most important inning of the game (preparing for the second coming of the Messiah). And we are! We are in the last inning and we are first string, on the field doing the work of God. So we all must give 100%. When have you ever heard a coach say, “Just give me 25%! Just give me 50%!” NEVER. We have to give the Lord 100%... go as hard and far as we can and then go further. Luckily we have Him on our side to help us do that. I am so grateful for the prophets of old who did the work so we would have the tools and knowledge today to finish it. I love learning from their inspired writings in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I feel like Lehi in 1 Nephi 2:12 “And it came to pass that as he (she) read, he (she) was filled with the Spirit of the Lord.” And being filled with the Spirit is like nothing else. “Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore it is the most desirable above all things... Yea, and the most joyous to the soul.” (1 Nephi 11:22-23)
Sorry spiritual tangent. Back to my week now. When we got out of zone conference it was a blizzard. A hardcore white out blizzard. And we had a 40 minute drive home to Fayette. So the Breinholts followed us home and we drove REALLY slow. It took us and hour and fifteen minutes to make it home. But we made it! It was snowing over 2 inches an hour. Craaaaazzzzyyy.
Saturday we woke up to a winter wonderland. It was beautiful but freezing cold. We went to the temple with Bill and Beverly to do baptisms! It was such a sweet experience. They have so many family names to do because Beverly is rocking the family history so we will go back in a month or so to do some more!
Jim is doing great! He hasn’t missed church once since he started coming. He got confused and thought he was getting baptized last Saturday (the 9th). We reminded him he is getting baptized on the 16th and he was like, “ooooh yeah!” hahaha Sister Earl and I are really looking forward to this Saturday! Jim is ready :)
Last night we got to celebrate Chinese New Year with the Liu family in our ward! Brother Liu made 6 different kinds of stir-fry! It was so cool!
Well I love you all very much! Thank you for the pictures you sent me. It is great to see all of your faces :) Keep being happy. There are so many reasons for us to be happy and to find tender mercies every day! ‘Til next week!
-Sister Adams
with Sister Aiello. She is from Italy!

Cayuga Lake... totally frozen over

driving home in the snow

 Outside the temple with the Yearsleys, Breinholts, and Bill and Beverly! My wet hair froze haha

Angel Moroni with snow all over 

 I live in a beautiful place

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