Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Bishop Wears a Tu-Tu

This past week has been a long one. I think that is just how it goes at the beginning of a transfer. Everything stayed the same Sister Earl and I are still in Seneca Falls and our district has the same
people in it too. That surprised us but we are happy about it.

We still see Jim once a week and teach him with the Yearsleys. We are getting him ready to receive the priesthood and go to the temple to do baptisms! So exciting. He is doing great and is funny as ever. We always leave his home with our cheeks hurting we laugh so hard.

We did a little language study with Sister Raines this week. She is a Spanish speaking sister and there are a lot of Spanish people (mostly from Puerto Rico) in Seneca Falls. So we learned how to tell them who we are, testify, and let them know how to get in contact with Sister Raines who can teach them in Spanish! "Somos misioneras! y ensenamos de Jesucristo. Sabemos que nuestro mensaje es verdadero. Hay misioneras que hablan espanol que pueden ayudar le. Aqui esta su tarjeta." That is from memory and there in no punctuation or accents but hey! My Spanish came back pretty quick! Thanks to the Holy Ghost :)

We had the ward talent show this week (hence the title of my email) Fayette's Got Talent! It was so awesome! Bishop Egan and his family all wore pink tu tus and pig noses and did "Swine Lake". Hahaha it was hilarious. We had some pretty cool, cute, funny talents. A little girl did ribbon dancing and another did some Native American hoop dancing. I loved that. Elder Perkins did some roping tricks (he's a cowboy from Panguitch, Utah) It was funny seeing him do that in a suit though. Sister Raines, Szuch, Earl, and I sang "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" with helium balloon voices. Sister Szuch did a rendition of Hamlet, and Sister Raines played/sang one of the songs she wrote on
her mission, and I ate a cookie. Just sat on the edge of the stage and ate it and washed it down with a cup of water... just wishing I had milk. It was a hit so that is okay. The only talent I have I can't do
as a missionary so that is what I did. Lots of people laughed but I kept in character and didn't crack a smile. Oh! by the way Sister Raines has a website where you can download her music she wrote before her mission for free! She's legit. www.natalieraines.bandcamp.com

Yesterday was a disaster of a day and very stressful so I won't go into details. Long story short, we did service all day and I was grateful for the opportunity to help out (and to wear pants and get my
hands dirty). We painted a yoga studio that is opening in Geneva and cleaned some houses. It was good.

This week I have realized that I am so blessed to have the family I do, to have the gospel I do, to have gained the education I have so far, and to be a missionary. Sometimes I forget how blessed I am and
then the Spirit smacks me in the face with a spiritual two by four and I remember again. I have come to know that the Atonement reaches to everyone. It doesn't matter how far you drift- if you are a little off the path or even if you have fallen in a pit of sin and darkness the light of the Atonement can reach you. As we repent we become healed spiritually and come to know our Savior personally. I have been reading the Isaiah chapters in Second Nephi in the Book of Mormon lately and the way the prophet Isaiah so passionately describes the Savior and His Atonement has touched my heart in a very powerful way. In 2 Nephi 22 it says, "And in that day thou shalt say: O Lord, I will praise thee; though thou wast angry with me thine anger is turned away, and thou comforted me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation. Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." I know this is true. God is sad when we choose to turn away from Him, but no matter how far we
are off the path, all we have to do is turn back to Him and He will come to us and lead us back to the path that brings true and lasting, eternal happiness.

I love my family very much. Thank you for your example and your love. I hope you have a wonderful week.

Love, Sister Adams

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