Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Week Six: Hey Y'all!!

Hi family! 

It was so so nice to hear all your voices on Mothers Day! I felt like I was talking A LOT, but you just kept asking questions so I guess that's a good thing! Sorry I had to hang up so fast but I was already at the Hill Cumorah and we had tons of families coming in wanting us to teach them and take them on tours so I had to go so Sister Barrus didn't have to take all of them. But I love you all and you all sound wonderful! I hope Nana didn't cry too much :) Give her a love for me. Thank you so so much for the package full of cooking supplies and whatnot. I am low on moo-la this month because I had to get laundry soap and stuff and then I splurged on my favorite shampoo and body wash -and I may have bought some honeycrisp apples and a pineapple. Why is healthy food so expensive!? So that food will help me out a lot this month. So this is random, but the other day I was trying to explain to Sister Barrus what willards water is.. and I couldn't. What is it?!?! I don't even know. So if one of you at the Adams residence who use it know, you should write me and tell me. Merci :) OH MY GOSH! So Christiaan can't send me mail from where he is at right now so he did something so cool! He had one of the elders that just got back to the U.S.A. send me the mail he couldn't send to me. I got four letters and between those he wrote a little bit each day since I have been out on the mission! Isn't that so nice! His letters are so fun to read and he gave me some great missionary advice. I have the best, best friend! 

Okay so here are some things that I did this week! Well I gave TONS of tours... but I am used to that now and I LOVE IT! On Mothers Day after I got off the phone with you guys, I took the Reynolds family through the Hill Cumorah Visitors' Center. The mother was Hispanic and she heard I was from Mesa and she just went off in Spanish to me. Haha I could understand a lot of what she said, which surprised me and then when I didn't respond, she said, "Habla espanol?" (or something like that I forget) and all I could say was, "uhhh... pequito" I know that is probable spelled really wrong but whatevs you get the point. She laughed and was like "if you live in Arizona you need to know Spanish sister!" So I took the family around and played everything in Spanish for them. First time I did that! I'm surprised I figured it out without help. It was the Spirit directing me I'm sure of it. Then when I finished teaching the family, because it was mothers day, I had all her little kids come up by me and tell their mom what they loved about her. It was really a sweet moment. One thing I realized this week is that silence is good. Sometimes when I am taking tours with Sister Barrus or alone I fill like I need to talk a lot to fill the awkward silences. But silence doesn't have to be awkward! And the silences are when the Spirit talks and teaches people the most! I think when I get home, that is one thing I am going to change. I need to slow down, turn off the music, the TV, whatever, and just listen. The Spirit can't lead and guide us if we aren't listening. I also learned that we aren't going to keep learning if we don't ask. We have our agency so personal revelation can't be forced on us. If we want to learn something we have to ask! And then the Spirit will teach us. Such a simple concept. I don't know why I didn't get that before; but it has made all the difference.

OH! I think I told you in our phone call, but I got my Sacred Grove tour with the grove-keeper, Bob, on Saturday!  It was so amazing! Instead of morning study we went and spent the morning in the Grove and let Bob teach us. It was 3 hours. I learned so much it was insane! I appreciate the Grove so much more. And even though Bob is not a member (yet), he has such a strong testimony of the first vision and of the Gospel that was restored starting with that. My testimony grew hearing his, and especially hearing it where it happened. The Grove is so beautiful right now! It is getting so GREEN! I love getting to my shift early sometimes and doing my site study there. 

This week I got to meet Joan Townsend. She lives in the Demay Living Center in our area. She is the sassiest but sweetest lady. She is getting older and her health isn't too good so she lives there and can't make it to church. We went to visit her and she wanted to hear all about the missionary work we have been up to. So we chatted with her a little. She showed us a mama duck and about 15 ducklings that live out her window! They were so cute! So we watched the ducks for a minute and then had to be off. We sang her a song and prayed with her and then left. The next morning she called us and said, "I need a Book of Mormon to give to my friend!" So we went and took her one on our way to the sites. Haha she is such a great member missionary. Go Joan! 

I love it here so much! My mission is so fun and the people here are so cool. Last site meeting we played jeopardy with all the sisters and the senior couples that work the sites. Haha it was so much fun! Senior couples are the best. And my family is the best.  :) I love you all with all my heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers. 
Sister Adams

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