Friday, May 25, 2012

Week Seven: Long Bloody Week

First of all, I am exhausted! Our p-day got pushed back and I'm pretty sure my brain doesn't work correctly if I don't have a p-day within 7 days. All exhaustion aside, this week has been AMAZING! Okay so there are some site sisters in my mission that have been so so sick lately. So usually we work half day at the sites but since they are sick, Sister Barrus and I have been covering for them. So a few times we have been working a site and giving tours all day from 9 to 7. Intense! But it helps me to teach a lot because I know how to do it better! I worked at the Peter Whitmer Farm three times this past week! It is way fun! Great place to teach people about the organization of the Church and the priesthood. I also experienced the movie "Saturday's Warrior" for the first time. Have you seen that show? It is from the 80s (mom I'm sure you would love it) but it is RIDICulous. I pretty much got a sweet ab work out from laughing the whole way through it. I mimic the dance moves in that show and entertain Sister Barrus and she loves it. KICK! LAY OUT! DOUBLE TURN! REACH! 

I went to the temple today!!! First time in the Palmyra temple was wonderful. Some sisters that used to be here in the NYRM have been home for about 9 months but they came back. Not just to visit the mission but because they taught this wonderful lady named Sandy. Sandy was ready to be baptized but then she passed away. It has been a year- so since Sister Barrus taught Sandy for a little bit we got to go with them to the temple to do her work!  Baptism, initiatory, and endowment! Isn't that wonderful! I'm sure she was on the other side jumping up and down she was so excited. It was an amazing temple experience. One of those sisters, Sister Wilkinson (AKA-Wilk),  that came back actually trained me in the MTC! It was so fun to see her again. Long story short, I spent all morning in the temple and loved it. 

Sunday we had a dinner appointment up in Sodus so we went to Sodus Point for our study program. We got to study outside, in the grass, right next to beautiful, blue, HUGE lake Ontario.  It was so nice to be outside in such a beautiful place! I got a little color on my arms but Sister Barrus on the other hand, got fried. Her poor fair skin was red. She was miserable for a few days. She is now a lovely shade of pink! I don't understand why I barely got anything and she got burned to a crisp. Arizona skin I guess I dunno. After our studies we went and visited Sister Thomas in the nursing home there in Sodus before we went to dinner. She is such a sweet lady! We caught her in the middle of her dinner though so we only stayed for about 15 minutes then headed off to the Grahams for dinner. They fed us STEAK! and it was DELISH! I was a happy girl :)

Yesterday was zone conference. We got to start it in the Sacred Grove. I am so lucky to be here. President Christianson taught us and told us that "this is a singular experience. No other mission gets to start their zone conference in the Sacred Grove." He is so right. I can't even believe I am here experiencing all of this. It is like heaven. We got some personal time in the Grove and so I prayed and studied and got some really specific answers to my prayers in the Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father is so cool. He always answers me and there is no doubt in my mind He is talking to me, Sister Adams, personally. Being taught by President is so great. I learned so much yesterday and was really taught the things I needed to hear. I love my missionary life! 

Well that is all I can think of for now. I am sorry my brain is not functioning at 100%. I will send a better email on my next p-day, Tuesday! Thank you for your email and picture of Nana, Mom. I LOVED it. Thank you for your testimony and your uplifting words. I love you so much. I am working so hard out here. Sister Barrus and I zonk out the moment our heads hit the pillow. The Lord keeps us awake and strong all day long and we don't realize how tired we get until we're in bed. It is a miracle how we are able to do this work! I know that the Holy Ghost is there with us as our third companion every step of the way. If he wasn't, we wouldn't be able to do it. Everyday I come home with sore feet and a head ache but I love it! I am so happy and life is GOOD!!!
Sister Adams

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