Friday, May 4, 2012

Week Four: Hello From NEW YORK!!

HELLO FROM NEWWW YOOORRRRRRKKKK!!! Okay so technically today is not my p-day but since my p-day was on transfer day and we only got about 3 hours of it we get to take a little time today to email. So here I am sending you some email lovin'. 

President and Sister Christianson picked us up from the airport. They are pretty much the coolest EVER. They took us to the mission home and fed us some divine food. So much better than the MTC. We went to the basement to go over some things and I knew Pesident and I were going to be friends when he showed a clip of Lord of the Rings and incorporated it into his lesson. I wish you all could meet him; he is legit. He is so funny and jokes all the time. He says that he doesn't take himself seriously, but he takes the Lord's work seriously. That is exactly how I am! I am so blessed to be here so he can be my mission president. I know that was not by coinsidence. Sister Jones and I got one last sleep over and the next morning we were off to the sites with President. We drove through Palmyra so we could see the Grandin Press (where the Book of Mormon was first printed) and the four corners of the different Christian churches. Then we went to Alvin Smith's grave and had a little lesson there. After that we went to the Smith Farm and went through the Log Home. President and Sister Christianson took us in the room the guests aren't allowed to go in, the one where Alvin died. They told the story of his death and how he was the biggest example to Joseph and that even though his life was short, he played a big role in the Restoration being Joseph's hero. Then they took us upstairs where the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph and told us about it. Then we had a testimony meeting with all the other new missionaries that were with us. The spirit in the Log Home was POWERFUL. After that we went into the Sacred Grove and President gave us a great tour of it. Then he gave us time to be alone to check in with the Lord and pray. That was such a sacred experience for me. I KNOW that in that grove was where the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ came to Joseph Smith. There is no doubt in my mind. It is so amazing to be here and feel the spirit of this sacred place. We hurried and stopped by the Hill Cumorah and just drove to the top because we were out of time. We had to get to transfer meeting to meet our new companions!   

 My trainer's name is Sister Barrus. She is so sweet. She is from Seattle and she has this cute little high pitched voice so when she tries to get the senior couples attention, they can't hear her. Haha it is so funny. So I get their attention with my low booming voice so she can tell them what she needs too. After transfer meeting we went with Sister Crook and Sister Jones to Panera Bread. YUMMMMMMMYYY!!! I was in heaven! After that I went to their favorite local store here Wegmans to get some groceries. That was a weird experience. I have never shopped for just myself... but I did good and got healthy stuff so be proud! We went to our house in our area. I am serving in the village of Newark! It is right next to Palmyra and about 10 minutes from the sites! We live in the gingerbread house! It is so cute! All the houses here are old and cute. Some need fixing up but they are all cool and vintage. I love vintage things. Ours looks like a little blue dollhouse. I love it. We have three other sisters living with us and they are loads of fun! Sister Larsen, from California, Sister Correa, from Hawaii, and Sister Soultanian, from Jordan-the country Jordan. Her accent is AWESOME. And she can say pretty much whatever she wants because she is so funny and has an accent. It's great. 

Every morning Sister Barrus and I go for a walk so that I can get used to the neighborhood and this little village of Newark! It is fun. The other day we met the crazy umbrella lady. I guess a week ago President came to the gingerbread house to pick a sister up to take her to the airport because her 18 months was up! It was hailing and pouring outside and this crazy lady walks up and down our street. She is a little bit mentally ill. So President saw her and went up to her to offer his umbrella and she screamed at him and told him she didn't want it! So he told her that he would really like for her to have it. She said, "Do you want it back?" and he said "NOPE!" so she took it and now President needs to find a new umbrella. Haha so on our walk I met her! She was sitting on her porch and she yelled at us so we talked to her from the sidewalk. It was fun; people in New York are strange and they talk a lot, I swear they don't even stop to breathe- but it always makes for funny memories and interesting experiences! I LOVE IT HERE! 

Well lastly I will share with you a spiritual thought that came up in ward scripture study with all the new converts and investigators (which by the way I had to help teach it with Sister Barrus the FIRST day I got here... SCARY!! but it turned out great!)  We were reading in Jacob four and talking about having faith so that we can see God's hand work miracles in our lives. And there is a verse (I forget which one) that talks about moving mountains and we started discussing it. Then Elder White, our district leader, said, "Sometimes we ask God to help us move mountains in our lives, but he gives us a shovel." I loved that. It is so true. We can just have things given to us all the time. We have to work for them. God will give us the tools to do something and show us the way, but WE have to do it. WE have to act. I thought that was a great thought. So if you are sitting around waiting for good things to happen, make them happen yourself! God will prepare a way and help you but you have to work. 

Thank you for sending me my stuff mom! I hope it doesn't cost too much but rain boots will be very helpful. Don't worry about getting short ones, I think long would work better to keep me more dry! I am not obese so I think long ones will fit over my calves... I love you all and I am so happy to hear from you. Thank you for your support and love. The other day we sang God Speed the right and I had to play the piano... it reminded me of Lance. He loved that song. God Speed :)

Sister Adams

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