Friday, April 5, 2013

One Year

Hi family! I have been out for a year now. I can't even believe it... it seems like I just got here, but at the same time it feels like I have been here forever.  I sometimes feel like my life at home was just a dream and this is my life now.  I'm sure I will feel just the opposite when I actually do come home.  I know you are preparing for the recital right now and it is a stressful, hard time of year with Lance's day and all that is going on.  Just know you are in my prayers constantly this week. 

Sister Tipton and I have been very busy working shifts, doing service, and proselyting in Seneca Falls.  Last Saturday at the Whitmer Farm her and I took 96 people on tour!  That is unusual for the Whitmer... and it was Sister Tipton's first day.  It was fun going on tour with her and having so many opportunities to bear testimony.  I have never felt more like an instrument in the hands of the Lord.  None of our tours were the same. They were all completely different and led by the Spirit.  I was so exhausted but edified. 

Sister Tipton and I have been going around teaching all of the people we are working with right now so she can get to know them.  It has been a privilege to teach and serve with her.  She is doing an amazing job for being so new and I am proud of her. 

On Easter we had dinner with Valerie and her husband.  She is the woman who lives in Geneva that we helped paint her yoga studio.  They fed us such a beautiful meal to thank us for the help.  We taught them the first lesson with the Brother and Sister Lindquist (their neighbors).  The Spirit filled that room. I was so proud of Brother and Sister Lindquist for not being afraid and opening their mouths about what they know to be true. I want to be like that all my life... always willing to talk about what I believe and know to help others come unto Christ. Valerie invited us to come to the studio to take a free yoga class and we did that today.  IT FELT SO GOOD.  She came up to me afterwards and said, "you are a dancer aren't you? I can tell- you are so flexible!" I was embarrassed at first but I guess I still have a little strength and technique in my body so that's a good thing. 

I have been relfecting a lot on how far I have come in the past year.  I have changed so much, I don't know if you can tell... but I have.  I am not the same person that left Arizona a year ago.  I was reading today in Alma 26 and the last verse says this, "Now my brethren,we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth.  Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks to my God forever."  I know that God is mindful of us. No matter where we are. And not just all of us together, but He is mindful of each and every individual.  That brings me joy knowing that I can always count on Him.

Well, that is all for this week. I love you :)
Love, Sister Alexandra Adams

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