Friday, April 12, 2013

General Authorities are the Coolest!!

Was not General Conference the most powerful most awesome thing! Oh my gosh I was blown away. So many of the talks helped me (President Utchdorf on hope and light) and knocked my socks off (Elder Bednar's chastity smack down) so I won't go into details about it all because they are all available online now to watch if you missed a few or fell asleep :) Anywayyy Conference weekend was great and we are so lucky to have the opportunity to hear the living prophets. I have such a testimony of the prophets, apostles, and the others who lead and guide our church today (don't even get me started on Sister Dalton... wow talk about power and authority in her talk). It was SWEET to watch General Conference in the Fayette Chapel realizing that 183 years ago the very first session of General Conference was held here! Mary and Sara came to conference together so we got to sit with them. They had chili and ice cream between sessions in the gym and it was so good. I got the most spicy chili and the seeds from the peppers and jalapenos were still in it! WOO BABY!

Monday was a busy day of service at Bill and Beverly's house and at the Seneca Lake Girls' Camp. We were opening the cabins and cleaning and I killed so many spiders. I tried to be nice and catch them and throw them outside but the big ones were scary and violent so I killed them. We also got to go teach Jay on Monday evening and it went well. He lives really far away so we don't get out to teach him as much. His house is still falling apart but he should be moving soon. During the lesson his cat kept rubbing up on me and I kicked it semi-gently because I really didn't want to get itchy.. then we drove back to Seneca Falls and taught Sara. I had to take a Benedryl when we got home because all the animals, dust, and smoke from our lessons that day made my eyes, throat, and lungs not happy. Needless to say, I slept goooooood :)

So I guess I keep waking Sister Tipton up in the night because I have been talking (really loud) in my sleep lately. Haha she laughs at me every morning. I am glad she gets a kick out of it instead of being annoyed because I really can't control it haha. She told me I said something about a white jumpsuit the other night. Hahaha yes! That means BAPTISM! I don't just live missionary work, I dream missionary work too!

Yesterday I was good. I was really worried about you guys and had a prayer in my heart continually for you. We had a specialized training with President and Sister Christianson- it was a great meeting and it was exactly what I needed to get through the day- high doses of spiritual oxygen that's for sure. After our meetings we had some appointments with people and then we ended teaching Jim the second half of the Plan of Salvation because we didn't finish it last time. (death, spirit world, resurrection, judgement, three degrees of glory) I was so happy to finish our day talking about those things. Mary came with us to the lesson too. I got to share with them how those who did not have the opportunity to receive the gospel are being taught it right now in the spirit world because God loves all of His children and wants everyone to have that opportunity. I felt the Spirit flood my heart as I testified of the missionary work that goes on there. I told Jim I know that this is exactly what my brother, Lance, is doing, the same work I am just in a different place. My eyes welled with tears and so did everyone else's (Jim's and Sister Tipton's and Mary's). I can't even describe the feeling we all felt as we talked about these glorious truths. Jim expressed that he really thinks Lance is teaching his wife, Grace. I believe that is true. Our loved ones watch over us and help us more than we realize... they see who we associate with and I am sure they associate with each other too. I am so glad everything worked out and the Lord strengthened me to get through the day to do His work. It truly is a marvelous work and a wonder. And I know it is all true.

I love you all very much!
Love, Sister Adams

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