Friday, October 19, 2012

Sister Butters and I are still Together

It is a start of a new transfer and Sister Butters and I get to stay together! We are so excited. So last p-day after I emailed you guys Sister Butters and I went and walked the Hill Cumorah with Bob.  It is getting cold so we only have so much time to play outside! He brought us both an empire apple, his favorite kind, so we can try them. They are only grown here in New York and they are delish! Probably my favorite right now. Apple season is so fun and healthy! 

Sister Butters and I had a miracle this week. We were planning our day and we were in Palmyra for half the day and we thought we'd come back to Newark to do studies before our meetings at night but for some reason we felt we should stay in Palmyra to do our studies. So we did. Well we were upstairs in the Book of Mormon Publication Site and President Christianson came in to talk to another sister that was working the shift there. Her grandma had passed away the night before and she was devastated. She was not up to taking tours and she still had a few hours to work. And on top of that, a huge bus tour from Utah was coming. (We are getting lots of bus tours because of the changing leaves) Luckily Sister Butters and I followed the prompting to stay in Palmyra because we were there and ready to take over and help out with this huge group of people. To us it was just a small thing but to this other sister she really needed us there! Always follow that still small voice even if it does not make sense.  God knows everything and sees everything. We do not. So if we just following those small promptings of the Spirit we can really make a difference in the lives of others. President Christianson came up to Sister Butters and I and asked us how we were doing. Sister Butters goes, "Awesome!" and then I said,  "No bad! You should keep us together because we still need to figure out our issues."  President just busted up laughing. I'm glad he thinks I'm funny and not a weirdo.  

We received new site couples this week and they are wonderful. Of course that means we had to say goodbye to the ones that we love. The Malans had such a hard time leaving. I know I will have the same. We all get so attached to the Spirit that is at these sacred sites. When the Malans were about to pull out of their driveway to head back west we pulled up and saw them about to leave. So all four of us, Sisters Hawkes, Graham, Butters, and I, ran up to them and gave them hugs- even Elder Malan haha. They were both in tears but we just put a smile on and let them know we loved them. So hard! But I am excited for them to be back with their family. 

Things with Jina have gone kind of down hill. I don't really want to talk about it 'cause I will get frustrated and sad. But we are not giving up on her. We have a new investigator named James. He is way cool. He trains racing horses. He knows the Bible forwards and backwards. He recognizes the parts that are missing in the Bible how some things don't match up. He's been reading the Book of Mormon for three days now and loves the clarity it brings to the doctrines. This guy is a single dad right now and lives with his parents because his wife went crazy... but he has a heart of gold and is so genuine. Sister Butters and I are glad we get to teach him and bring the full truth into his life. 

I love getting to share the Book of Mormon with people.  It is the most correct book on the face of this earth.  A well known scripture at the end is in Moroni 10:4-5.  As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we know this scripture to be "Moroni's Promise".  But to me it is not just Moroni's Promise... Moroni was a prophet of God- he spoke the words of God. So to me it is "God's Promise". He loves us. He sent us to the earth and He wants us back. While we are here He wants us to know the truth so that we can return to Him and live with Him forever as families. "And when we shall recieve these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart with real intent, having faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of ALL things." I know that anyone who does this can know the truth for themselves, straight from their Father in Heaven. I know these things because I have done it. 

I love you all so much. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Love, Sister Adams

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