Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This week has been AWESOME. Mostly because of General Conference. I love our prophet so much... Everytime I hear him or his presidency or a member of the Quorum of the Twelve I just realize how much God loves us that He gave us these wonderful men to lead us. Can you believe the new age requirement for missionaries!? 18 for guys and 19 for girls? You should have seen Sister Butters and I. Our mouths dropped at the same time, we looked at each other at the same time, and back at the screen at the same time. I think our missionary forces are going to multiply and be strengthened for sure. Sister Butters and I are guessing that they will open China soon. They are going to need TONS of missionaries to do that. But we are just speculating. 

Before General Conference started on Sunday I was feeling really frustrated inside with myself.  We had to go to the Smith Farm shift early because we carpooled with the Newark South sisters. I just had this prompting to "go to the Grove".  So we did. Sister Butters and I went and walked through the Sacred Grove for an hour before our shift began.  I felt so much peace and all my bad feelings went away. I love the Sacred Grove and that I get to serve here so that I can walk through the Grove to find peace and feel the power of the events that took place there. We finally made it back to the Welcome Center and Conference was playing on the Nielsens lap top on the counter. We all sat there and listened and it was SO NEAT to get to hear the voice of living prophets and apostles at the literal place where the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ began with a modern day prophet, Joseph Smith. Then during the intermediate hymn, Sister Nielsen says, "There is taco soup and cinnamon rolls down in the break room."  I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The Nielsens are such a sweet senior couple. They fed us delicious food and provided a way for us to hear General Conference. 

I didn't get to watch all of Conference but Sister Butters and I are taking time out of our p-day to do that. I missed Elder Eyring, Elder Holland, and President Monson. And I NEED to see those ones. I was out on tours during those. But I had awesome tours! I took mostly friends of other faiths through because all the members of the Church were at the Palmyra Stake Center watching Conference. I had such a wonderful time with this Catholic couple that is from Florida.  They were so sweet and they really appreciated my testimony.  They gave me their information and want me to teach them over the phone and email because they don't feel ready for missionaries yet. But they will get there! They both cried on my tour as a testified so I know they felt the special Spirit of the Smith farm and family. Later that evening, Jina called Sister Butters and I and let us know that she watched Conference and liked it a lot, but that she loved the Mormon Tabernacle (tabur-nickel...haha) Choir. Such great news! We know that Heavenly Father is so happy that she chose to do that, and we are too. 

Well family, I just want to let you know of my love. I love you all so much. Thank you for all of your love, support, and prayers that you send my way. You all put such a big smile on my face. I love all the pictures too :) I am glad Duke is still alive and he is healing from his surgery. I was so worried about him. I love that dog. Erika looked strong in the pictures you sent me of her cross country race. I am glad she is having a good season. XOXOXO.
-Sister Adams

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