Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We are Butters and Cream and the Dancing Machine!!

Hello! This last week was great! We had to say goodbye to our dear friend Sister Correia....that was hard! But don't worry the day she left for the mission home we made her SPAM and eggs for breakfast. Yeah, we just wanted to send her home to Hawaii right. We have a new sister living with us! Sister Graham and Sister Hawkes are now companions, and I am the only one not from Utah in the gingerbread house.

So recently in our ward, we have been going through the ward list with Elder and Sister Fowler to find out all the less-active members we can go see. It has been super helpful! When the Elders call and tell us when we will be working on it each time (it takes more than one sitting to get through this list- it's huge) we always joke with them and tell them to bring treats. Well last time we went Sister Butters and I decided to pop some popcorn for a snack while we work. So we bring a big bowl of popcorn and it was a hit. Everyone loved it. Then all the sudden at the end of our meeting the Elders in our district, Elders Southwick and Erekson, just whip out this cake! AND- it was a funfetti cake with funfetti frosting! Are you kidding me!? They completely blew us out of the water. That's okay though because we had cake. I guess we all win in that situation.

We got to go to the Rossells for dinner this week and of course, it was delish! Bro Rossell took us out to his back yard and let us pet his falcons. I told you he is a falconer right? So COOL! You know the State Farm commercial where the guy is like, "I should have got a falcon.."? Well that falcon in the commercial is one of Brother Rossells! He sold it to the company that shot that commercial. He also sells them to wildlife zoos and things for demonstrations. He said he has sent them to zoos all over the world. Way legit.

This week we also had the opportunity to serve at the "Golden Olympics: Young at Heart". It is an event put on by the nursing homes and assisted living facilities here in Wayne County, NY. It was fun! We got to push some people around in their wheel chairs and cheer them on playing the games. They got ribbons and everything! They also had a face painting station and Sister Butters and I were asked to work at that. Painting faces is really difficult on old people-wrinkles mess up anything you try to paint on. I was surprised how many of these "elderly Olympians" were game for getting something painted on their cheek or on their hand! It was quite the experience! The care takers and nurses there had to warn us about this guy named Patrick. He likes ladies and they said, "If he tries to touch your butt, just tell him that is not okay and come get one of us." Haha uhhhhh scary! Well Sister Graham, the new sister living with us, ended up pushing him around to his events. Patrick got first place in the sponge throw and he said, "That deserves a prize!" Sister Graham said, "Yeah it does! You did a good job!" And Patrick responds,"Come over here and give me a kiss!" hahaha Sister Graham just went, "NOPE!" I thought I was going to fall over laughing it was so funny! So the Golden Olympics were a success! Very interesting but very fun!

This week my good friend, Bob the grove-keeper, gave me this quote and it ties in perfectly with what I have been studying and teaching everyday. Think about the Teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church He set up on the earth and then thinking about how Joseph Smith was called to restore that very same Church in these the last days: "When God wants a great work done in the world, or a great wrong righted, he goes about it in a very unusual way. He doesn't stir up his earthquakes of send forth his thunderbolts. Instead, He has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple home out of some obscure mother. And then God puts the idea into the mother's heart, and she puts it into the baby's mind. And then God waits. The greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes and the thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are babies." -President Gordon B. Hinckley. Isn't that a neat thought! Just thought I would share it with you. I love you and I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Love, Sister Adams

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