Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week Nine: Great Week in the Cradle of the Restoration!!

Hey Mom, Dad, and Erika, (and Nana)!!!! Well I didn't have time to
read your email so I am going to print it off and respond to it in a
letter today.

This week has been so wonderful! The sites get busier and busier each
day. It has been fun to teach and meet people from all over the world!
The other day I took a family from Switzerland around and then also a
family from Brazil! Such a great experience! We are also getting a lot
of Mormon families from Utah coming through. They are stopping here at
the sites with their little boys before they go to Coopers Town for
their baseball tournaments. Some of these kids are so funny! I will be
teaching them and giving them a tour and then all the sudden they will
start to interview ME! The line of questioning usually goes something
like this: "What's your name?" "How old are you?" "Did you go to BYU?"
"What does ASU stand for?" "What did you study?" "What kind of dance?"
"Can you show us your dance moves?" <--at this point I say haha no...
sorry! and they go "Awwww well can you teach us one?" and so I do! It
has been fun! Then I tell them that for a while when I was about their
age I played baseball and then I went back to fast pitch softball.
Then they think I am cool and then they listen to me and pay attention
more! I love taking kids and youth on tour. It is always a good tour
with them.

Sister Barrus and I have been cooking and eating healthy! It is fun as
we play with recipes and figure out how to make really healthy things
taste better without adding the bad stuff.  Although this morning we
decided to treat ourselves and Sister Barrus made German pancakes. And
were they delicious? UM.. YES! She made buttermilk syrup too! It was
like dessert for breakfast! But they are made of mostly eggs so maybe
that gave us some nutrients for this morning! Hey! Did you know that
the word stressed spelled backwards is the word desserts??? YEAH! So
there's your remedy for stress!

I am the driver now in my companionship. Sister Barrus has been pulled
over a couple times so President asked me to drive. I feel so bad for
Sister Barrus! She really tries hard to follow the speed limit! But
the speed limit signs here in New York are put in tricky spots
sometimes and they never give you a warning... she was really upset. I
don't blame her. So now I am driving. You better believe I pray
everyday that the Lord will take away my lead foot. I have been doing
good so far and I like driving so it is all well.

It has been raining a lot here lately. I love the rain so it makes me
happy! It is nice and cool here too. Not hot, not humid which has been
nice. I'm sure it won't be long until we get to that point. Once
pageant comes around it will be that way, so we are enjoying the nice
weather while we have it. I open all the windows every morning so we
get a nice cool breeze through the house. I feel like Dad! He always
does that. It is funny to see how when I am not with all of you I do
things that you do! It freaks me out, but then I like it :) I love you
all. With all my heart. Erika, I have been thinking a lot about you
this week. I miss you seester. I miss laughing with you and pulling
pranks on mom and dad. Take care of them and keep everyone in line for
me! Nana, get better and it is okay to show emotion! :) That is what
makes you.. you! Mom and Dad, thanks for everything. You are a huge
part of why I am the way I am and why I am here doing the Lord's work.
You were the ones who taught me and made our home a special place for
me to learn and come closer to Christ. My testimony is growing so much
out here. I know all the things that happened here in my mission are
true. They are real. I know that this is the Lord's work and that I am
in His hands. It's all true. I know it.

I love you,
Sister Adams

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