Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week Eleven: Lovin' the NYRM

Hi Mama! Your email is making me loud laugh in the library again. Haha Thank you for the email I enjoy your emails so much. I am glad to hear Dad is getting better.  I’ve been praying for him and for you taking care of him! How was his Father’s Day? I hope it was a good one.  I was missing all of you so much on Father’s Day.  It was probably the first time I actually felt homesick and realized it.  I’m glad Cowboy Kent has been taking such good care of the Princess Camp little girls.  Yes, he is going to be a good “papa” and he is getting some great practice in now :) Speaking of Dad, does he know a Glen or Gary Fuller? The Fullers are a senior couple that I work with all the time. They lived in Morland when Dad would have been in high school I think. Glen and Gary are about his age and those are their sons. Let me know! Elder and Sister Fuller and I have WAYYY too much fun working together.  But that’s a good thing :)

Sister Barrus and I made coconut shrimp this week. We felt so legit, but I guess it is dangerous to deep fry like that in your kitchen. So we prayed we wouldn't burn the house down and we didn't! The coconut shrimp was delish. The smoke in the air though was burning my eyes... I needed goggles or something, so I decided to get creative and make some. So I got my glasses and taped a post-it note around the sides and onto my face so the smoke couldn't get it.  Sister Barrus walked in our room to get me right when I finished taping them on my face and she just stopped and starred at me. So I said, "uhhhh I was trying to make goggles!?" Haha I have never seen her laugh so hard. Good times. 

I am now officially being trained to be a cast trainer!  It is a lot of studying and practicing but I am getting so pumped for Pageant! I am one of the six missionaries that get to be involved. What a privilege! We go over to the Beckmans, another senior couple, and they feed us and we practice our workshops twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays.  It is fun because I get to be around Sister Jones and Sister Hawkes! Sister Hawkes lives with us and Sister Correia now and I just LOVE her! She is from Centerville up in the Salt Lake Valley. She fits right in and now our cast training team is complete!

Sister Barrus and I finally had a day to spend in our area yesterday.  It was such a great day! We spent the day in Sodus.  We went to the nursing home up there to see SisterThomas. She is 98 years old! Sweet lady.  She told us she didn’t have a Book of Mormon so we told her we would get her a large print one and bring it to her asap! Before we left we sang a few songs to her and her little roommate, Marie, listened too.  They were both getting a little teary eyed; it was so sweet! Sister Thomas just thanked us for coming and Marie just told me how much she loves the Lord! We turned around after we finished and there were about six people standing and sitting in wheelchairs in the doorway.  Heavenly Father loves all those people so much. I was glad I could be an instrument to help them feel that love He has for them.  I asked Marie, she is not a member if she had a Bible.  She said yes, and so I asked her if she would like a Book of Mormon, that we were bringing one forSister Thomas and it was just like the Bible-it teaches and testifies of Jesus Christ.  She didn’t even hesitate and said, “oh yes, I would love that!”

After that we went and visited the Bennett family.  That was my first time over there.  They live on a hill and from their backyard you can see Lake Ontario!  Beautiful view! SisterBennett spoiled us and gave us a bag full of lotions and shampoo and conditioner and split end repair crème and some other stuff to make us beautiful.  We were so excited! She is so generous to give all of that to us. We shared a spiritual thought with her and her teenagers and headed over to the Grahams for dinner.  Sister Graham made tacos! I was so excited for some Mexican! After dinner we helped clean up a little and we played Uno Attack with their family.  It got competitive haha, but there really never is a dull moment at the Graham house.  Just like our house! We shared a dinner thought with them and then headed on home. I love driving back and forth from Sodus to Newark.  It is such a pretty drive. I can’t wait to take you guys around my mission. I think Dad will love to see all the cute farms and things. 

So we set a goal in our house, and Heavenly Father has been helping us to accomplish it. We are passing out and talking to 10 pass-along cards for Pageant and inviting people each day.  So that means 5 per companionship. Even when we don’t have time during the day to do that, we get people put in our path so that we can! It has been amazing to see that when we do our best and it may not be enough that Heavenly Father steps in and helps us.  We have made some really great friends, found some potential investigators, and been shut down so many times! It is so great! And the fun part is, that WE are the six missionaries that will be proselyting with the cast at Pageant, so we are going to get to see our new friends that we invited there and we’ll get a chance to teach them! WOO WOO!! I am so excited for Pageant! It is just around the corner and even though we are crazy busy, I love it and I am having the time of my life.

I love you so much Mom. Thank you for everything you do for me. Especially for raising me to be like you and Dad. I am so lucky to have such great parents like you. Erika, I saw a picture of you in the recital doing “Fix You” and I just cried. You are beautiful sister. Miss you tons, love you even more!

Sister Adams

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