Friday, June 29, 2012


Mama!!! Thank you for your email and for the pictures! It was so fun seeing all the Woolsey's!! I love you. But you know that :) I had such a good week this week! We had a Leadership Training down in Canandaigua with President Christianson. Yes, he did co-write LIFE LESSONS FROM THE BOOK OF MORMON and many more. You can get some of his talks on CD too. He is the coolest. You should go to Deseret Book and get them, learning from him has changed my life. Just go to the Deseret Book and get anything that says Jack R. Christianson on it, and I promise you, it will be good and you will learn SO MUCH from it.  I am so lucky I get to learn from him in person. He is friends with many of the members of the Twelve. So he has some cute/funny/cool stories about being around them. 

So I think I told you about the goal we made to pass out 5 cards per companionship in our house each day for the pageant. Well, Heavenly Father is putting way more than five people in our path each day, even when we have no time to pass out cards. Most days we get out ten or more! We have been meeting so many people and most of them tell us they are for sure coming! I'm pretty sure this goal we have made is going to make the attendance at the pageant shoot way up! That makes me so happy you are working with the Sisters in our ward! Missionaries cannot do this work alone. We need members to help us! The best investigators come from member referrals, that way they have friends to answer their questions when the missionaries aren't there and when they are baptized they already are fellow shipped and have friends in the ward! Keep it up! I am sure the Sisters love and appreciate all you are doing and I do too, and most importantly Heavenly Father appreciates you. He wants all of His children back- missionary work is the way to do that. 

We have had a lot of youth buses come to the sites lately.  I meet all of these cute girls that are Erika's age and it makes me miss her. But it is fun because I feel like I have lots of little sisters that I get to teach and influence when they come to the sites! So the other day, Sister Barrus and I were trying to find people to teach. Even though we have no extra time to do proselyting work, we made a goal to find and baptize this transfer because we really feel there are people prepared right now that need to be found and taught.  Well right when we made some goals to do this, we found some darling girls that are ready and wanting to learn! Not only did we find them- but Heavenly Father is giving us the energy and time to teach them. If only you could see our planners.... we DO NOT have time. But somehow we find the time to see them! Their names are Bethany and Lindsay.  Bethany is friends with the Graham family and Lindsay is a niece of a recent convert in our ward! They both just graduated from high school. Sidenote: I just need to express my love for the Graham family. Sister Graham takes such good care of us. She is such an angel and her kids are awesome. She reminds me of you Mom. She loves her animals and loves gardens and cooking GOOD FOOD. Although Brother Graham does most of the yard work and gardening :) kind of like Dad. They are a fun family. Last Sunday we were over there and they have a bee hive!  Their friends who are experts on bee keeping came over to check their hive and they taught us so much about it! Sister Graham made homemade rolls with their fresh honey. It was heavenly! Now I want a bee hive! Not only does it make your garden thrive, but you get fresh heavenly honey, AND from the bees wax you can make candles and chapstick! It is like homemade Burt's BEES!!! It was so interesting and fun to learn all of that. 

I will end by telling you about our day yesterday. After all of our studies and working at the Book of Mormon Publication Site, we went to go talk to Lindsay's dad. He was not comfortable with us coming to his house to teach her so we wanted to settle some of his concerns and let him meet us personally.  We prayed so hard that he would be home and his heart would be soft so we could talk to him and tell him what we are all about. When we pulled up to the house, he had just pulled in, so we caught him before he went inside.  We explained to him that we don't want to step on any toes, or go behind his back, that we just want to be straight forward with him and help his daughter learn more about Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and His restored Gospel. Well he ended up being such a nice guy! He doesn't want to learn, but he is going to let us teach Lindsay! Our prayers were answered. He has a huge apple orchard around his house too.  They provide a lot of the apples for MOTTS apple sauce! Pretty cool. Then on the way home we took back roads from Sodus to Newark. I cannot describe to you how cool all the old farms back in there were. It was a BEAUTIFUL drive. I want to take Dad down those roads so he can see, he'd love it. Also, the sun was setting and the clouds looked fake and everything was just GREEN. We stopped to take pictures like eight times because we could not believe just how beautiful it was. Well at this point we hadn't got our cards for pageant yet. So in Newark we parked in a neighborhood near the post office and just went for a walk! We didn't have much time before we had to get home but we ran into tons of people and invited them! The last group of people were a group of six HUGE black men outside the post office. I should have been scared to go over there but I felt the Spirit telling me to go so I just went with it!  Well, when we got there we realized why! Those men were all veterans, part of N.A., and had just got out of their meeting. They had the light of Christ in their eyes so brightly and they were all just happy! Haha so picture two little blonde girls between six huge black guys talking about Jesus Christ together! It was GREAT! When we walked up one them said, "ANGELS!" ahaha they told us they could tell we had the light of Christ within us too. I talked to David and Bruce for most of the time. I explained to David how we are all brothers and sisters of our loving Heavenly Father and he was like, "Giiiirrrl, I mean Sister Adams, I believe it! You white, but you my sista!" Haha it was so awesome. He wanted to know our purpose as missionaries and why we come out and do this. When I told him what we do, he just told me, "Keep doin' what your doin' Sister, you are going to change the world." Isn't that sweet! Then I talked to Bruce and he told me about how he served in Vietnam... I thanked him from the bottom of my heart for his service and told him about Mace. I got kind of teary eyed and he did too. He told me how he lost his way, but through Christ he has found it. I told him I wanted to teach him how to find his way even more clearly and so invited him to the pageant.  Bruce promised me that he would be there with David and some of the other guys- he said he wouldn't miss it for the world. :) They don't live in our mission, so we gave them our number and told them to let us know what night they come so they can sit with us! It was so fun talking to all of them and meeting them. The Spirit was that was there was SO POWERFUL. I feel like they are already my best friends!

So that was my week! It was such a good one! I am so happy and I love this work. I know that this is the Lord's work and that He is using me as an instrument in His hands to invite people to come unto Him, and to learn and apply His Gospel in their lives. I love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers and for all you are doing to help God's work push forward back home. 'Til next week!

Sister Adams

We got pictures from Sister Adams this week - enjoy!!!!!!

Explanation...She was trying to protect her eyes from the smoke coming off the deep fried popcorn shrimp.

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