Friday, May 17, 2013

Just another day in upstate NY

Okay so our Mothers Day call was so awesome! I can't believe my best friend is a mom- I love Audrey already! Keri and Craig are such cute parents. Even though you guys were completely blurry on my screen and
Nana had a sick growly bear voice I still loved every second of it! All of my roommates semi-listened in on our conversation and they said we are quite the loud, entertaining family. Haha I have to agree with them...yes, yes we are. I hope you had a great Mothers Day Mama! I love you.

We had our first cast training meeting! Sister Jones, Hawkes, and I were almost out of control excited throughout the whole thing...surprise surprise :) Pageant is just the most exciting thing that happens all year and we get the privilege to be the few missionaries in the thick of it! Organized chaos, it's great!

This week has been awesome.  We have had more time in our proselyting area in Seneca Falls which we like because there are so many people we need to see. Monday we went and taught a former investigator, Joe. He
is a little old Cuban man in his eighties and he smells really weird haha. We asked him if we could pray with him and he said that would be okay.  So I began the prayer and said, "Our Father in Heaven.." then Joe goes, "Wait which one!? Matthew 6?" Haha so I stopped praying and was confused a little bit and said, "The Sermon on the Mount? What? OH! you are talking about the Lord's prayer. It's okay I will just say one from the heart if that's okay." Joe said, "Oh cool!"  He ended up really liking the way we pray and he felt the Spirit.  He is pretty
tied to the Bible and only the Bible so we'll see if he reads the Book of Mormon or not.

We also saw Jay this week and during his lesson his washing machine got off balance and it was banging so loud we could barely hear each other during the lesson.  I asked him if he wanted to go fix it and he said, "No it should be fine! It does this all the time." haha uhhh okayyy. So Sister Tipton and I continued to teach him almost yelling across his living room.  I thought his little house that is falling apart was going to collapse in on us.  Luckily it didnt, and by the end of the lesson the banging stopped and the Spirit was present. Jay is so awesome.  I can't wait until he moves closer so we can find him a ride to church.

We also popped in and visited another former investigator named Kat. She let us in and we shared an uplifting thought from the Book of Mormon with her.  She just started to break down and cry.  We asked her if she was okay and she said, "Yeah I just have had a terrible time lately and you girls always come at the right time."  Sister Tipton and I expressed to her that we were excited to get to know her better and teach her more about Jesus Christ and His gospel.  Kat looked up at us and said, "I need that." So we are going to start
helping her out. I am excited, she is a sweet lady.

Today we went and helped Beverly and Bill set up for a garage sale they are having.  There was a lot of heavy things to take down the stairs so I am glad we went. It made me think of Grandpa Pete going garage sale hunting every weekend haha. We had many good lessons this week with Jim and Mary and Pamela as well.  I love the recent converts and inactives we are working with right now.  I can't imagine my life without being their friends and helping them in their process of turning their lives to God.

Yesterday we had a shift at the Hill Cumorah Visitors' Center and the amount of groups coming in slowed down around sunset.  Sister Lopshire and I just sat in the room with the Christus statue and felt the warm sun and watched it go down. It was just a small, quiet moment but it was one of those moments where I felt the Holy Ghost confirm to me that I was right where I needed to be- right where God wanted me to be. It was a good feeling.

I love you all very much!
Love, Sister Alexandra Adams

Big, huge, fat bee.

Amish guy plowing his fields! (moment when you KNOW you are in the
middle of nowhere!)

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