Wednesday, November 28, 2012


YES family, you guessed it I got transferred. I now live at the Whitmer Farm! Kinda funny how I went on and on last week, tangent style, about how awesome the Whitmer Farm is and now I live there! Haha. So I will be serving in the Fayette ward and my proselyting area is Seneca Falls. My new companion is Sister Earl. She is from Ogden, Utah. Right now we technically have two proselyting areas because both sisters that were serving in the area next to ours and living in the Whitmer House before I got there just went home. So the area is semi-closed for now... but we are taking care of their investigators and stuff. So it is INTENSE! Oh and I need to clarify, I don't live IN the Whitmer Log home. I live across the parking lot from it. It is awesome! I am not quite moved in yet, but getting there! Sister Earl and I set up a Christmas Tree that was in our basement today during lunch. So we are getting festive!

So let me update you on the past week. I had my last shift at the Peter Whitmer Farm with Sister Butters and we worked with the Fullers. I think I have told you about them. Well Elder Fuller is a hoot. For our open house FHE party for Christmas at the Smith Farm, he has to be in the log home reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas". So he said he has been reading it a lot and that he could pretty much say it without the book because he has it down. So I said, "Let's see it!" So he starts quoting it and he was doing such a good job. Then all the sudden the story turns into this, "I arose to see and stubbed my toe, opened the shutters, and fell in the snow. And what to my surprise did my eyes appear? A truck load chuck full of Budweiser beer." HAHAHA! I about fell off my chair. Theses senior elders make me laugh so hard. I thought you all would appreciate that.

Thanksgiving was great! We went and visited less-active members and recent converts and some widows. Then we went to the Grahams for Thanksgiving dinner (of course). I just love their family. I seriously have become one of them. I even know where all of their dishes go in all their cabinets... that is how much I have been there. I was so glad she invited us there so I could be somewhere that I was comfortable. It was delicious!! She had all of her side of the family there too and they are Italians. So their house was LOUD. I was glad though, just like our family :) Oh! Logan Graham got his mission call! He is going to the Arizona Tucson mission!!! heck yeah! I am excited for him.

We got to see Bethany this week! She came back home from school is Syracuse and we went to Wendys and got frostys with her. It was so much fun. She told us she was having a hard time away from home and with her situation. So we shared some scriptures with her and she loved it. Before we left she said, "This is what I miss. I miss meeting with you sisters and feeling so peaceful when you teach me! I am going to call the sisters in Syracuse tonight and set up a time each week to meet with them." YESSSSSS!!!!! I am so glad she is going to do that. She knows it is all true. It would not surprise me if she was baptized by Christmas.

I went and did baptisms at the Temple with Sister Butters and Lindsay this week too! IT WAS UH-MAZING. Being able to teach her, see her be baptized, and then go with her to do baptisms in the temple made my life! It is so cool to see everything come full circle. Lindsay is such a force for good, and she is doing really well. Went to the temple with the Elders Erekson and Houskeeper and their recent convert too. Elder Erekson ended up doing some family names for someone and he is six feet six inches tall. Haha seeing him get baptized was pretty great. He has to like bend in half to be immersed. But the Spirit was so strong and it was such a sweet experience.

So usually we get transfer calls on Sunday night. But it never came. So we thought it would come Monday morning...but it never came. So at that point we knew that it was going to be a huge transfer. Transfer meeting is in Rochester on Tuesday before noon. So waiting and not knowing where you will be or what you will be doing the next day is pretty stressful. The call finally came Monday afternoon and that is when I got the news. I was sad to leave Sister Butters and Newark North... but I knew it was time. I only had a few hours to pack and that was hectic because I have accumulated many items. Sister Butters and I hucked it all in my suitcases and bought a plastic bin from WalMart. I am so grateful she helped me. It is weird leaving Newark and Sodus and the Lyons Ward because I have been there for over half a year... but Sister Butters will rock it. I am excited to work in Seneca Falls and learn and grow even more with Sister Earl! I love you all and miss you bunches. But I am happy and healthy and workin' hard and LOVING IT. XOXO

Sister Alexandra Adams

Sister Alexandra Adams
1451 Aunkst Road
Waterloo, NY 13165

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