Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week One - "What The Heck"

Hey Family!!!!!
What the heck!! I didn't get an email from you guys so I guess I will just be emailing you first! Thank you for your dearelders they always put the biggest smile on my face. You guys crack me up. Our family isn't loud and hilarious at all.... ahahah NOT! That is one thing I have learned, I am loud. Especially when I laugh. But everyone here thinks it is funny and I entertain them so it's all good.
Alright so this past week has been the best, longest, and hardest week of my life! After I got dropped off I was super overwhelmed with everything but I am good now! Totally adjusted. I miss you guys but I have not have time yet to get homesick which is a blessing I think. We have 16 hour days here at the MTC and that includes class for 3 hour blocks usually twice a day, workshops, and district and zone meetings, and of course meals.  I am so sick of the food. I seriously eat salad for dinner and lunch everyday. I like salad so much but I am getting so sick of cafeteria food. I'm a foodie and a food snob what can I say. Although I will say that their cream cheese to go on bagels in the morning is the bomb!! So good. Strawberry, rasberry, blueberry, and honey walnut. YUM!!! Yes, I tried them all. :)
Okay, about my companion. She is AWESOME. We are totally twins. It took us all of an hour or two to be best friends. She is from Austin, Texas.  She is just like me-has always wanted to serve but didn't know if she was supposed to or not and when the Lord said go, she came! She is totally down to earth and something funny happens EVERY day. Haha for instance when we had companion study she was looking up Philippians (<--Spelling?) and she goes,"Philip!?? that's weird I didn't know there was a Philip in the Bible!" ahaha I about died. Then at lunch one time we were both so tired it wasn't even funny. This was day two and day one I got about an hour of sleep before I came so I was like halusinating bad (<--spelling??).  So she was eating a banana and I thought she made a monkey noise so I asked her if she did and she said, "NOOO!!!" and I said, did you just go, " OOO OOO??" and she said, "No I didn't just go OOO OOO!!!!!" We both died laughing crying almost falling out of our chairs. So that is just a couple of instances and there has already been at least one a day. We get a pretty good workout laughing haaha that's for sure. OH MOM!!! you will be so proud! Sister Jones and I get up 45 minutes early everyday to take the exercise class for all the sisters. We've done Yoga, Kick Boxing, Pilates, and Step. We wanted to go today but we had a session to go to at the temple early this morning. And we wanted to get there on time.
I love the temple so much. I've been thinking of Lance today and have felt him around me. I am so lucky to have a brother on the other side to help me. Sometimes when I don't know how I want to teach something I ask him to help me to know how to teach with power and with the Spirit to touch my investigators. I figure by now he is an old pro at missionary work and sometimes I have thoughts come to my mind that aren't mine. I know those thoughts are from him.  It makes me smile.  (And, Yes we already teach, they just threw us into it...intense!).
Easter was UHHHHMAZING. President Packer came to speak to us at a Sacrament Meeting that the whole MTC attended.  That was the first time they did that. They had four sacrament tables.  But it was way cool. Some of the things Packer taught us really touched my heart and were things that I needed to hear.  At the MTC you experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  Sometimes you get done teaching and investigator and it goes great and you are so pumped. But then sometimes after you teach and it didn't go the way you thought and they didn't really want to listen to you it is SO HARD. I get so depressed sometimes. Because as a missionary it is my calling and my responsibility to help them and invite them to come unto Jesus Christ.  And I know that that alone can change someones life for good. And I believe it so much that when they don't want to listen or let me help them I get so sad. Anyways, Sister Jones and I were really experiencing a low when we went to the Easter Sacrament Meeting with President Packer.  He said, "Don't expect everything to be ideal, it won't be. And I hope it won't be because trials are what make you stronger. If I had a magic wand I would take fear from you. Fear is the opposite of faith. Don't have fear of inadiquacy- because as I came in the room I have felt your power."  It was exactly what I needed to hear.  I have thoughts sometimes of can I REALLY do this!?? And the answer is, yes I can. God called me here to do this and He will be there to help me do His work.  I have felt my testimony grow literally ten fold since I have been here. It is crazy how I thought I had a strong testimony of this Gospel before I left but my testimony is now a fire. Literally a blazing fire. I know it is true. And I will not stop. I will not stop until I have helped as many people as I can take the steps to return to our Father in Heaven.
Well I am out of time. I will write you all more in a letter. Thank you to everyone who sent me emails and I am sorry I didn't get time to respond. Mom, if you can't figure out how to put this on my blog, get help from Keri. She knows.
I love you all! Thank you for your support and love and prayers.  Til next week!
Sister Adams

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