Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii + PICTURE UPDATE!

Hey family! Thank you for the emails they make my week! B-Hoff sent me one too and said that our little horse Honey girl bit her in the butt! That little stink! But you just can't get mad at her because she is so cute! Every time I see horses out here I just want to pull over and love them because I miss our horses. The colts are going to be HUGE when I get home. Weird.
Well this week has been the bomb dot com! We have been working a lot at the sites as usual and just loving every second of it!  How did I get so lucky to be called here to the Cradle of the Restoration?? SERIOUSLY. We had Zone Conference this week at the Palmyra Chapel. It's a few hundred yards from the Sacred Grove. Who gets to do that?! It was such a great meeting.  President Christianson teaches us so much, and he is funny.  We have fun one second and the next we are all in tears at what he is teaching us. If you get a chance read "Understanding our Covenants with God" in the July 2012 Ensign. It is a great article. President Christianson elaborated on it and it was so eye opening.
Well, Bethany and Lindsay are off to college! I am excited for them, but I am going to miss them. Teaching them and getting to spend so much time with them was a privilege. They are both still here in New York, so when they come home to visit we will still get to see them. Unless I get transferred- we'll see! Now we are teaching Jina! She is so awesome. She is this big black lady and her six year old daughter Jinaia is an angel! They are so funny and fun to be around. She lives down the street from this girl in our ward and so that is how we came into contact with her!  We love going over there and teaching them.  They have three cats though so I have to take an allergy pill before I go there and pray that my eyes won't get swollen shut. So far I have been okay! No allergy emergencies.
This week we also had dinner with the Hargarther family.  We made pizzas! It was so much fun. They are such a cute family. They have four kids under the age of seven! So it is a crazy house, but always so much fun. When we go over there all the little kids come and grab my legs and hug me!  I feel so loved! I really do love them. We had a family home evening night with them and all the missionaries in our district. So Sisters Hawkes and Correia came and Elder Erekson and Southwick were there too. Good times!
I had a miracle at the sites this week too! This guy came into the the Book of Mormon Publication Site and he heard about the Church just three days ago. He was talking to one of his friends about religion and his friend asked him if he could join any church which one it would be. He said, "Well the same Church Jesus Christ set up while He was on the earth." And this friend said, "Well then I have the church for you."  She brought him to her singles ward and he could not believe the feeling he had there.  Afterwards one of the members of the bishopric was telling him about the historic sites just a few hours away.  He asked him if he would like to go and he said, "Yeah! Can we go today?" So this member just dropped everything and brought this guy to the sites! Well I got to take him on tour at the BOMPS. I taught him about Jesus Christ coming to the Americas, the Book of Mormon where it comes from, and how you can find out for yourself if it is true. He just said, "Sister Adams, I know it is true already and I haven't even read it yet. It is like I have known all these things my whole life. All the things you are teaching me are true- I know it. God brought me here for a reason and I am where I am supposed to be." WOWWWWW. What a cool experience I had. But it is so true! This is the church for EVERYONE. And it is the SAME church Jesus Christ himself set up while He was living on the earth. And it was He who restored His church again to the earth through His servant and the prophet, Joseph Smith. And it all happened HERE. Right where I stand each day.
Last Sunday in the Lyons Ward, I was just sitting there and looking at all the people and families coming in and I really felt at home! I know most of the people in the ward now and have great relationships with them. It is so fun! Bishop's mom is in our ward and she is this sweet old lady. I went up to her and said, "Hey Juney Mama!" (Her name is June, and her grandkids call her that). And she goes, "ohhh I just love it when you call me Juney Mama! It reminds me that I am sassy!" Hahaha I almost died laughing. I love her so much. She wants me to come over and teach her how to make goulash. Things are just going great in Newark and Sodus, and in the Lyons Ward, and at the historic sites.  I absolutely LOVE my mission. No words can even describe how I love being here and serving.
I love you all so much and pray for you daily. Thank you for your prayers on my behalf. I know dance is starting next week at the Dance Barn! Good luck with everything and give all of my sweet students my love! XOXOXO
-Sister Adams

Sister Adams and President and Sister Christianson

Sister Adams at Alvin Smith's graveside.

Sister Adams and Sister Barrus - first companionship!

Sister Adams doing what she does best. :) Being funny.

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