Saturday, June 16, 2012

Week Ten: We Are Now In Pageant Mode

Hey family! It is so fun to read your emails! Mama!!!! You are getting a new car?!? What made dad finally give in? Wow you lucky duck. Let me know what kinda car you get. Probably a smaller one since it won't be more than a few years and you and Dad will be empty nesters! Weird. Nana moved out of my room? Tell her I am a little bit offended and wish she stayed longer. I made some pretty sweet goulash with the El Pato you sent me! It was BOMB. Everyone in the Gingerbread house loved it. I just threw it together and it turned out great. Thank you for the crock-pot recipe book! That will definitely be put to use! 

Well the past three days have been HOT and MUGGY. Working outside at the Smith Farm made for a sweaty day but I got some nice tan lines. Today it has been nice! Sister Barrus and I made a goal to get up early to walk every morning. This morning it was pouring rain and we went anyways so we could follow through with the goal we set. It was so much fun! I just sang songs like, "I'm Singing in the Rain" (with a little Gene Kelley dance) "It's Raining Men" (with dance moves I taught Sr. Showstopper Co. before I left) and that primary song that goes, "I like to look for rainbows, whenever there is rain..." (with interpretive movement/sign language--had to get a church song in there too). It was a fun walk and we got back home and were soaking wet.

Last p-day we went to the Rochester Science Museum! It was way fun! Sister Sultanian wanted to go for her last p-day so we all went! She is flying back to Jordan tomorrow. I am going to miss her so much. When I send you home videos of her you will understand why. She is HILARIOUS and her and I became so close so fast. I am glad I got the chance to live with her, even if it was for only one transfer. 

We have been doing lots of service lately. We went to the Hargarthers house in Clifton Springs last Wednesday to help Sister Hargarther out. She has four beautiful children under the age of six, her husband has been in the hospital after an intense foot surgery, and she needed some extra hands. We ran to the laundromat to get some loads done, ran to the store for her, and cleaned her floors. I got a little bit of bleach on the bottom edge of my strawberry dress.... I was sad about that but I was happy we got to go help her because she was having such a hard time. The Hargarthers are such a sweet family and their kids are so cool! We also got to stop by Demay Living Center to visit Joan for her birthday! We told her she looked beautiful and she says, "That's 'cause I got my war paint on!" haha I love Joan! We sang to her and then she made us take some of the treats people had been bringing her. You know I won't say no to treats. :)

We are so so busy now that Pageant is getting close! We are starting cast training workshop practice twice a week and cast training study for an hour everyday. That makes for now 5 hours of study each day and then working at a site for the other half of the day.  I have been learning SO MUCH in my studies everyday. I am so thankful for the time we get to study each day. Usually I hate to study but I sure love it now! Sometimes it is frustrating not having as much time in our area as we would like, but we are called as cast trainers. So we need to be putting our time and efforts into that until Pageant is over. Hill Cumorah Pageant will be July 13th through the 21st. 

We have had so many guests at the sites! The numbers get bigger each week! The deer are having their babies in the Sacred Grove now and so lots of guests come in and show us pictures of little fawns that they see in the Grove! I am so jealous! I want to go in there to see one so mad! But we are too busy to get to spend any time in the Grove at this time of year. The other day I was working at the Hill Cumorah Visitors' Center and I had these grandparents come in with their two little granddaughters ages 2 and 4. The two year old walked in and could not wait to get up to the statue of Jesus. She ran as fast as she could into the Christus room so I followed her in there and she went up and touched His foot and said, "Man, Jesus is tute (cute)." Haha so funny. I love little kids. It is so fun when we get lots of them at the sites. 

Thank you for the packages with all the fun little prizes inside! That made me smile. I love you all so much and think of you daily. I hope Erika and Dad are getting better! Have a great week!
Sister Adams

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